Condos and commercial buildings are commonly built with flat Torch-On membranes (SBS). The advantages of flat/low slope roofing are the ease of installation and maintenance of the roof itself. With the new SBS roof system, your roof will last longer and it will be 100% weather resistant due to reinforced glass, polyester, or a composite of glass and polyester roofing materials.
Making a decision about which company should handle your Flat/Low Roofing needs is difficult.
Why not visit our showroom and browse our installed samples, customer portfolio, and learn more about any product you need from our educated and professional staff? We are located at 520 Mountain Hwy, North Vancouver, V7J 2L4.
Got Roofing Problems?
We are so happy with our new roof. It’s kinda funny to me that a company can come do a job so well and have a service that’s out... read more
John – Vancouver